The American Tinnitus Association describes tinnitus as a buzzing sound in one or both ears that has no external stimuli; it is a condition that affects millions of people globally and may worsen over time. The severity of tinnitus can range from being an intermittent diversion to a chronic and frustrating problem. For people affected by tinnitus, knowing its duration is very important. The duration of tinnitus, or how long one hears the “ringing,” can vary widely from one person to another depending on the cause of it, the severity of the symptoms, and the treatment sought. This article will look at the factors that affect the length of time one hears the buzzing sound in the ears, the different types of tinnitus that exist today, and the appropriate steps to treat tinnitus.

How Long Does Tinnitus Last?

The several types of tinnitus experienced make its duration unique to the individual suffering from it. Generally, it will fall into two rough categories of either being temporary or chronic. These categories will mostly span through the symptoms people go through:

Temporary Tinnitus

This is the most common and familiar type of noise pollution that happens to people who attend loud concerts, are Clalin lovers, or enthusiastically use headphones. This type of noise is common these days, but thankfully, it is usually short-lived and will resolve within a few hours to a few days. The problem is usually mild and only comes with fuzzy hearing or some degree of deafness.

Chronic Tinnitus

On the other hand, chronic tinnitus can last for months or even years. In some cases, tinnitus becomes a lifelong condition. Chronic tinnitus can also be caused due to hearing issues, continuous ear infections, or sitting beside loudspeakers for longer durations, training like a pro in an always-on. With tinnitus, there’s a guarantee that it will dominate your life, but the intensity will change along with the season and provide you with periods of rest.

Main Highlights of This Paper

  • Key Focus: Tinnitus Duration: Understand the different durations of time chronic tinnitus can last as well as periodic ones.
  • Causes of Tinnitus: Learn the potential reasons for tinnitus as well as ways through which it can be influenced.
  • Treatment Options: Get to know the different and latest ways tinnitus can be treated to minimize the symptoms.
  • Management Strategies: Tactics that can help someone cope with the buzzing sound in their ears on a daily basis.
  • Prevention Tips: Steps to take in case you wish to know how to stop tinnitus from developing or worsening.

how long does tinnitus last

What Influences the Duration of Tinnitus?  

The following is a list of factors that influence how long tinnitus can last:  

  • Cause of Tinnitus: Tinnitus symptoms caused by relatively simple triggers, for example, exposure to loud sound or mild otitis media, may be self-limiting. However, those that are brought by more serious problems such as presbycusis, otological diseases, or neurological disorders are likely to outlast the former ones.   
  • The severity of the Condition: With some individuals, the ringing noise associated with the condition may slowly disappear, and with some, it may become more bothersome or more persistent and harder to mask passively. 
  • Treatment and Management: One’s chronic ailments may be treated to a level so as to alleviate the symptoms resulting from these ailments, but may not completely eradicate them. 
  • Age and Overall Health: Most elderly people tend to suffer from chronic tinnitus and in most cases, this is coupled with preexisting hearing deficits or any other diseases that affect ear health.

Different Types of Tinnitus and Their Duration

The various forms of tinnitus largely differ from one another in terms of how long they last. We’ll delve deeper into these classifications.

Subjective Tinnitus

The most common type of tinnitus is subjective tinnitus, the type experienced by the individual alone. It typically tends to occur due to hearing impairment or trauma to the ear. Its duration varies, with some experiencing it for short periods while others deal with a chronic version of it.

Objective Tinnitus

This is a rare type of tinnitus, as a healthcare practitioner needs specific tools to hear it. People with vascular and muscle disorders have it the longest. As with most types of tinnitus, the individual’s condition will determine the best treatment and how long they experience it.

Pulsatile Tinnitus

This form of tinnitus is often associated with vascular disorders, which explains why its duration can significantly vary. Pulsatile tinnitus is unique in that the rhythmic noise mirrors the person’s heartbeat.

General Tinnitus Causes Along With Its Effects On Duration

Tinnitus causes differ greatly as multiple reasons contribute to the condition along with its duration. Given below are some of the most common reasons for tinnitus:

Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Sudden blast noises like explosions or concerts can be extremely damaging to hearing and tinnitus far more than other types of sounds. As a rule, this type of tinnitus can wait. The person affected will feel some form of relief in a few hours or miles. Still, while repeating other sounds can restore high noise levels, the person will suffer from advanced noise depression or even permanent ear damage accompanied by the shrill noise constantly.

Ear Infections

Ear infections from the middle section or inner ear can give a ringing sound to the person affected. This obviously worsens the condition. Treating the infection leads to curing the ailment but only seldom does ear break treatment contacts worsen the condition. But if the infection is severe, there is a high possibility of long-standing care to preserve the functioning with altered states of ear ringing.

Age-Related Hearing Loss

Every individual traversing the age mark of 50 or crossing it develops what is known as presbycusis. This leads vary chronic tonic noise to average about around deafened doses to suffering years. There is a scenario where the condition can be reversed through the use of hearing aids along with attentive cures to help with the suffering whilst amplifying the volume of taxed sound.

Medical Explanations

Underlying health issues such as Menier’s disease, TMJ, and some forms of vascular pathology may lead to the occurrence of persistent tinnitus. In these instances, the length of duration is typically associated with treating the underlying issue.

Pharmaceutical Products

The use of certain medications, such as high doses of aspirin, antibiotics, or some chemotherapy agents, may result in tinnitus. The tinnitus from drugs is usually reversible with cessation of the drug, but sometimes protracted symptoms can be present as well.

Tinnitus Management: Treatment and Tactics

Even if there is no absolute remedy for tinnitus, extensive treatment methods and management plans allow for relief in tinnitus suffering individuals. Here, we discuss some of the most effective ones:


Sound therapy refers to the procedure in which external noise is used to cover the ringing associated with tinnitus. To help manage tinnitus, white noise, soft music, or nature sounds are often used. This is one of the most useful methods in patients with chronic tinnitus.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

The objective of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is to change harmful thought processes. It can help in managing tinnitus by aiding in the emotional distress and anxiety that comes with it. CBT techniques have proven to diminish tinnitus perception, and the general well-being of the patients.

Hearing Aids

For people suffering from tinnitus and concomitant hearing loss, hearing aids can be especially useful. Hearing aids amplify outside sound which can help to mask one’s tinnitus. In some cases, hearing aids are used with other devices for sound therapy treatment.

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) uses counseling along with sound therapy. It aims to reduce an individual’s awareness of their tinnitus by training the brain to ignore the sound over a period.


There is no specific treatment for tinnitus, but some medications can help manage the symptoms. Antidepressants and anxiety medications are often prescribed to minimize the emotional burden related to tinnitus. Some may benefit from GABAergic drugs such as gabapentin for reducing the tinnitus perception.

Tips to Avoid Tinnitus  

While nobody is really sure how to completely avoid tinnitus, these tips can help you to lower the chances of getting it:

  • Take Care of Your Ears: Do not stay in loud places for long, and put on ear plugs or earmuffs where there is a lot of noise.
  • Control Your Anxiety: Engage in hobbies that relieve stress, such as meditation, yoga, or breathing exercises.
  • Attend Scheduled Hearing Appointments: Regular hearing tests can help track and flag any hearing loss issues and accordingly mitigate the chance of developing related tinnitus.
  • Do Not Use Ototoxic Drugs: Be careful with medicines that can damage the ears and have tinnitus as one of their side effects.

More Efficient Treatment Solutions for Tinnitus  

Tinnitus is still one of the most difficult conditions to treat, but a number of these advanced treatments have worked for a great many others. The goal of these interventions is to lessen the perception of tinnitus, mitigate the emotional or psychological effects on a person, and retrain the brain to disregard the sounds.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive treatment using magnetic fields to stimulate specific areas in a patient’s brain. This technique is very helpful for patients suffering from chronic tinnitus who have not received relief from other methods. By focusing on brain areas that are involved with the perception of sound, TMS is able to lessen the degree of intensity of tinnitus over time.

Though studies on TMS for tinnitus are ongoing, some studies indicate positive results. One study found that 60% of participants with tinnitus reported a significant reduction in symptoms after TMS, and some people reported long-term relief as well.

Neuromodulation Therapy

Neuromodulation therapy is the type of therapy that alters the behavior of nerve pathways with the use of electrical impulses. Several devices, such as the tinnitus masker or biofeedback therapy, are used along with other treatments. Neuromodulation works by stimulating the hearing area of the brain or other parts of the brain associated with tinnitus. Ultimately, this method can reduce the perception of tinnitus.

Acoustic Coordinated Reset (CR®) Therapy

A novel form of treatment that seeks to revisit how the brain perceives the sounds associated with it. Medicaid Coordinated Reset Therapy tackles this problem with the aid of a sound stimuli sequence, which is supposed to retrain the auditory system. It has had a positive reception in terms of managing tinnitus and is fast gaining popularity among tinnitus practitioners.

Coping with Psychological Reactions to Tinnitus

The psychological effects of tinnitus, particularly for a chronic sufferer, can be rather serious. The incessant sounds of ringing or buzzing are often pretty annoying and can even lead to heightened anxiety or depression now and then. Here are some coping strategies to help manage the emotional impact of tinnitus:

Relaxation Techniques

Adopting ways to relax and remove stressors in one’s life can reduce the severity of the emotional toll suffered due to tinnitus. Engaging in activities like breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, and meditation, in general, aids in calming the person down while simultaneously helping suppress the awful roar of tinnitus.

Support Groups and Therapy

Experiencing tinnitus can be socially debilitating, so discussing it with people who suffer the same can be very helpful. There are countless support groups for tinnitus patients and these help people build a network and share how they cope with the issue and provide emotional support to each other, as well as share treatment options.

Other than the provided medical therapies, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been influential in assisting patients in modulating the association with their emotions and thoughts regarding tinnitus.

Use of Stimulants

Some substances can cause or even worsen the symptoms of tinnitus; this includes alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine. Patients are encouraged to limit these substances. There’s much proof supporting the fact that the use of stimulants can aggravate symptoms, but stopping has resulted in a much easier tinnitus perception.

Modifications to daily activities to mitigate suffering from tinnitus

Besides the afore mentioned medical therapies, some alterations are greatly needed. These modifications are optimally directed at lessening the burden of tinnitus and enhancing quality of life. Some of them include:

Sleep Hygiene Maintenance

People suffering from tinnitus often have trouble falling or remaining asleep because of the noises. Good sleeping habits are an important aspect of dealing with tinnitus. Here are some practices that may lead to better quality of sleep:

  • By getting into a routine of going to bed and waking up at set times every day, improving your sleep schedule is quite easy and will lead to feeling well-rested.
  • To aid with falling asleep, one should consider developing a calm, relaxing routine before bed to unwind the mind and body.

Using a white noise machine can help you cover up tinnitus when you sleep.

Hearing Protection

The use of earplugs or earmuffs is also recommended for pupils in noisy places such as concerts, construction sites, or when listening to music at high volumes. These precautions are important to preserve hearing abilities and avoid worsened tinnitus effects.

To signal that it is time to rest, refrain from using screens for at least thirty minutes before lying in bed.

Regular Physical Exercise

Tinnitus can be worsened by the negative impact of stress and physical activity helps in combating it. Doing walking, swimming, or yoga exercises is great for spending energy and improving mental health at the same time.

It is important to note that regular physical activity improves blood flow, which makes relaxing easier for everybody, including those who suffer from tinnitus.

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Long-term Prognosis for tinnitus and its treatment

how long does tinnitus last

The timeline for the prediction of tinnitus greatly relies on the individual. While some may find relief over time, others may have to deal with it for many years. Important determinants of this issue include:

Primary Treatment

Those who advance their treatment for tinnitus symptomatically by sound aids, hearing devices, or CBT tend to manage the symptoms better than others. Using therapies at an early stage often helps prevent numbness from setting in, which makes the situation harder to deal with in the future.

Associated Clinical Disorders

Certain clinically significant conditions, once treated, can ease tinnitus to a great extent. These conditions may include ear infections, hypertension, or TMJ disorders.

Sound Acclimatization

A large group of individuals who have been dealing with chronic tinnitus have reported an acknowledgment of the noise after some time. They claim that employing an active monitoring strategy and concentrating on the ‘unwanted’ noise helps them with the situation.

FAQs On Tinnitus Duration

How long does temporary tinnitus last?

Tinnitus is best defined as “ringing in the ear,” and it usually lingers for a few hours to a few days at most. It is usually a result of loud noises or other short-term stimulation. Generally, it goes away on its own after some time.

Can tinnitus last forever?

Yes, chronic tinnitus can last indefinitely, especially if it is caused due to some hearing loss or Meniere’s disease. Still, over some time, the intensity and severity of the symptoms might change.

How can I stop tinnitus from being permanent?

Cover your ears when in a loud environment, get treatment for some infections or other underlying causes, and try to control anxiety. If done early, treating ear infections or protecting yourself from loud sounds can avert chronic tinnitus from occurring.

Will tinnitus go away with age?

With age, some forms of tinnitus linked to hearing loss can worsen. But thankfully, it might still be the case where the symptoms can persist or lessen with time with the most appropriate management strategies and treatment.

What are the options for treating long-lasting tinnitus?

Audiologists suggest careful diagnosis and treatment for chronic tinnitus through cognitive behavioral therapy, sound therapy, hearing aids, and tinnitus retraining therapy. It generally helps people to cope with tinnitus and boosts their quality of life.


Tinnitus can occur as a singular phenomenon or as a symptom, lasting from hours to years. The extent and circumstances of tinnitus in an individual depend on its cause, severity, and even the personal life surrounding the individual. With the right treatment, it is possible to lessen the burden tinnitus has on your life on a day-to-day basis.

If approached in the right way, most of the people suffering from tinnitus can still aspire to live an enjoyable life, sound therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and other such approaches will help in improving their quality of life and managing their symptoms. Anyone struggling with tinnitus symptoms, should discuss with their health care provider for relief measures and tailored recommendations.

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